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My Binge Story

I planned to have a one week of food binging period. EAT anything that I want at anytime and anywhere. My intention was I taught I would be enjoying of all the food but ended up the truth is "I wasn't".

I don't feel any sense of enjoyment at all of binging of food.

Hence, what I felt the most was I'm torturing myself. And I'm lying to myself.

Seriously, I don't even get the licious of food. All I know is im escaping from something. But now, I can truly tell you that I'm not any more. I will not binge on food anymore.

I'm not even done my one week of food binging. I still have 4 days left but I tell you what. I am going to STOP. I want to LoveMyself just like how I always use my tagline #LoveYouselfK

I Am Back :)

What I've learned from here is:

1. Open up to see myself.

What happen to me?

Why am I doing this?

What is the purpose of doing this?

2. Accept myself.

Willing to accept myself that I do not have a thin body type and I am not having a supermodel body. Accept the truth of myself.

3. Love myself #LoveYourselfK

Now after realising all this flaws and mistake. I finally willing to love myself. Until now I am still calm of not eating any food. Not that I'm afraid of fat but I just feeling that my body needs some rest after so much of tortures.

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