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Leader WITHOUT title

You don’t need a title to show some leadership”. Well, most of us tend to strive for a higher-ranking position just to show the world that “I have the power” to amaze anyone. And that’s what assemble us to have a tendency to be egoistic when we fell under the good impression of the public. This doesn’t mean to be a bad thing as it's a nature of humanity. The point is if we could gather the beauty of it to blossom up ourselves to people around us with positivity. That represents the leadership quality within us. So to make it happen, I always take this quote “You don’t need a title to show some leadership” as an alarming system to remind myself. Question is can we or how can we achieve it?

Commanding isn’t what I hanker for but voicing up and stepping out of my comfort zone in being a follower is what I yearn to convey in a point of fact. Plain-speaking, I’m always a person that has the utmost egoistic personal attribute that will easily exposed to drive someone around the bend without my notice. And that’s when my way of leadership is happening as I thought I have a certain title. But when time passes day by day, I started to realise people around me have a propensity of feeling stress when I engage in a conversation with them. Till then only I’m savvy of the real meaning of needing not a title to be leader is to enhance my value and lessen up my space. This is why we say “time teaches us”.

Initially I always get misunderstood of enhancing my value and lessen up my space is by telling other people how busy I am and having the “please don’t waste my time” attitude. In fact, I was truly wrong with it as the beauty of its meaning is just actually to be “humble”. The allure of this single word “humble” is mainly referring to self-respect and to be respectful to others. Life is just like a mirror. No one’s perfect, we all have flaws that can be constantly worked on. Yet at the same time, we should completely and fully accept ourselves to be humble.

Now one can truly understand the meaning of “You don’t need a title to show some leadership” when you are fully accepting of yourself and perceive who you are, in a way of imperfections, disfigurement and all sorts of you, without any blame and judgement. This is when the time starts teaching us to expand our value to others yet minimizing our space for them as we have fully accepted ourself. Let’s take a challenge, stand in front of your mirror to tell yourself “ I LOVE YOU, _(your name)_!” without feeling bad, guilty, or lacking.

Always remember, #LoveYourselfK.

Cheers!! <3

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