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5 Hacks, Get back on track during CNY

Visiting relatives, eating man-size meals, skipping exercises is all just so common that we are currently facing right now. So, to get beck on track. Bear with this 5 hacks!

Get a Nutritious Breakfast

Do not skip breakfast as if you're a breakfast person like me. Plus, it's always better not recommended to skip it as well.

So, grab a fruit yogurt parfait, hard boiled eggs (pardon me that I don't have pic for hard boiled eggs), or the easiest way is to grab your meal replacement if you often tend to dash for some places.

Fibre up!

It is often to be known that we all will definitely eat tons of red meats and also "Lou Shang". But then again, don't forget to eat more veggies to get more fibre to "poops"!

Get an Organic Detox tea

Yes we always used to say that its better to poop it out naturally but.. To be honest, do we really able to do that? The average time for us getting into the toilet is MINIMUM 3 times per day. So, question is. Did you?

I personally think that this tea is really effective as it detoxify till your stomach gets flat! Well that's the BEST part! Plus, I got this for a very reasonable price. So if you're keen to know more for this, click here.

Move it! Move it!

I do understand that when it comes to holiday seasons. Exercise would surely be blank for part of our life. For that reason, we all just really gotta move it, shake it, stay active for it, or even go for shoppings since you got so many ang paussss! (Don't forget to give me some! HEH)

No for JUNKS!

Because you're not Dustbin! So save your quota for the BEST FOOD!

Look at this picture before you made any decision of eating those enticing cookies! Now you know why you really gotta save your quota for the BEST FOOD.

In order to stay on track for your fitness routine I hope these 5 Hacks could help you out.

ONE LAST THING! Remember to sleep early and don't drink tea after 3pm(29/1/17) or else you'll get insomnia. Just like how I do now. Writing up blogs early in the morning in 3am(31/1/17) and later on gotta go Ipoh at 5am(31/1/17). Now I'm off. BYE GUYS!



Greetings from Knie Tan

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